ætlar þetta aldrei að taka enda, það hafa dunið á okkur hrikalegar féttir utan úr snjóbrettaheiminum hver á færur annari um andlát brettabræðra okkar. fyrst Tristan Picot(R.I.P,) síðan goðið og frumkvöðullinn Craig Kelly(R.I.P) og núna síðast Jeff Anderson, burton maður. þó að Jeff hafi ekki verið nema 23 ára gamall þá var hann samt buin að setja svið sinn á alþjóðlegt samfélag snjóbrettamanna og kvenna. eg samhryggist fjölskyldu hans og vinum, hann var ungur og efnilegar ræder sem við munum ekki gleyma..

TOKYO (AP) - An American professional snowboarder fell to his death after losing his balance while sliding down the rail of a spiral staircase in central Japan early Sunday.

Jeffrey Anderson, of Mammoth Lakes, Calif., was trying to slide sideways on his rear down the rail of the hotel staircase at about 3:15 a.m., a Nagano police official said.

After starting out on the fifth floor, the 23-year-old snowboarder lost his balance on the fourth and fell 50 feet to the first, the official said on condition of anonymity. Anderson was taken to a hospital by ambulance but was pronounced dead due to injuries he suffered from hitting his head.

Anderson was in Nagano to compete in a snowboard competition Saturday and Sunday.