Á hverju ári fæðast um 160.000 börn sem hafa ekkert kyn, þetta kallast “Ambiguous genitalia”.
Ég ákvað að leita að efni um þetta og upplýsa fólk en fann því miður engar upplýsingar á íslensku og ég vildi ekki vera að þýða þetta því þá breytist oft svo mikið. En hér er grein um þetta:

Considerations The genetic sex of a child is determined at conception. The egg cell (ovum) contains a chromosome called the X chromosome. Sperm cells contain either an X chromosome or one called the Y chromosome. These determine the child's genetic sex. Normally an infant will inherit ONE PAIR of these “sex chromosomes” (two chromosomes). Thus, it is the father who “determines” the genetic sex of the child. An infant who inherits the X chromosome from the father is a genetic female (XX pattern) and one who inherits the Y chromosome is a genetic male (XY pattern).

The reproductive organs and genitals associated with “female” or “male” arise from the same initial (fetal) tissue. If the process that causes this fetal tissue to become “male” or “female” is disrupted, ambiguous genitalia can develop.

Ambiguous genitalia are those in which it is difficult to classify the infant (by physical examination) as male or female. The extent of the ambiguity varies, and the infant can look very much like a “normal” infant of the opposite sex. In very rare instances, the physical appearance may be fully developed as the opposite of the genetic sex (for example, a genetic male may have normal female appearance).

Typical ambiguous genitalia in genetic females include an enlarged clitoris that has the appearance of a small penis. The urethral opening can be anywhere along, above, or below the surface of the clitoris, which may be considered normal or common abnormalities of anatomic urethra placement (such as hypospadias). The labia may be fused, resembling a scrotum. The infant may be thought to be a male with undescended testicles; sometimes a lump of tissue is felt within the fused labia, further making it look like a scrotum with testicles.

In a genetic male, findings of ambiguous genitalia include a small penis, less than 2 to 3 centimeters (0.8 to 1.2 inches) that may appear to be an enlarged clitoris (the clitoris of a newborn female is normally somewhat enlarged at birth). The urethral opening may be anywhere along, above, or below the penis; it can be placed as low as on the peritoneum, further making the infant appear to be a female. There may be a small scrotum with any degree of separation, resembling labia. Undescended testicles commonly accompany ambiguous genitalia.

Uncertain or mistaken sex is not a physical threat to life, but can create social upheaval for the child and the family.

Í Bandaríkjunum er fólki sem eignast börn sem hafa ekkert kyn oftast ráðlagt af læknum að ákveða hvaða kyn þau vilja hafa það og láta skera upp og laga. Þetta finnst mér alveg hræðilegt, þegar það er búið að fara í einn uppskurð útaf þessu þá þarf að fara mörgum sinnum aftur og mjög oft koma upp sýkingar og vesen. En svo er það spurningin um það hvort foreldrarnir hafi rétt á því að ráða þessu?
Margir af þeim sem hafa verið “lagaðir” líður ekkert vel sem stelpa eða strákur, eru þá í rauninni hitt kynið andlega en vegna ákvarðannar foreldranna verða þeir að sætta sig við þetta.
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