Það er allt íslensk hér á bókmentun og listir, þannig að ég ætla ða senda inn fyrsta kafla í einhverri bók sem ég fann nýlega.

<b>A HAPPY MAN</b> In the little town of Dort in HOlland, in the year 1672, there lived a really happy man. There are very few really happy men in the world, but Cornelius Van Baerle´s father had garned a lot of money as a trader. When he was near death he said to his son. Cornelius,“ Be happy. Working all day in an office is not a happy life. Do not be like me, a trader. Do not be like Cornelius De witte, a politician. for he will certaninly end in troble. Lived quietly and, above all, be happy.” So Cornelius Van Baerle remaned in the large house. He did not know how to pass he time, so he began to grow tulpitps.. At this time pepole were very intersted in the growing of tulps and great prizes were offered to anyone who could grow some new kind-a tulpip of some new shape or nwe colour. Van Baerle grew thee now kinds of tulpip: He called them Jane (after fis mother), Van Bearele (after his father), and Cornelius(after Cornelius de wite. his father friend). In the next huse to Van Baerle lived a man named Isaac Boxtel. He also was a tulpid grower, but he was not rich. He worked very hard - ad he hated Van Berle He was afraid that this rich man might grow better tulpips than his own. He looked over the garden wall and watced everything that Vn Baerle did. He even bougth a <i>telescope</i> so that he migtht look into the widow of Van Baerle´s house ad see him working with his seeds and bulbs. (Tunlips are grown from bulbs.) When saw Van Bearle´s garden filled whith the most baeutiful flowers, he tied two cats together and fropped them over the wall at night. The cats broke down all the flovers.

úff það var ervit að skrifa þessa ensku. Þetta er fyrriparturinn af kaflanum kannski kem ég með seinni partin af honum:)
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