Úr fréttabréfi Top Gear:

“Clear your schedule, disconnect the phone, or at the very least set your recorder, because Top Gear is back on BBC Two on Sunday 7 October, at 8pm.”

“This series you're being treated to a proper full-fat ten episodes. We'll be driving everything from the tiny Peel microcar to the mighty Veyron, and taking on some extraordinary challenges involving exotic locations, amazing vehicles, and even a man with a rocket-powered rucksack.”

Jæja, hvernig líst fólki á þetta? Loksins ætla þeir að hætta þessum stuttu seríum eins og 8. og 9. sería voru og koma með eina langa og góða seríu. Núna situr maður spenntur eftir að þetta komi á netið :D
„It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that.“