Þetta er víst staðfest og kemur kannski ekkert mjög á óvart miða við þær fréttir sem hafa verið í gangi undanfarna daga. Gert ráð fyrir að hann gangi til liðs við Citroen eða Subaru.
Læt fréttina fylgja með svo menn geti meðtekið þetta beint í æð


Tommi Makinen’s handlers have told Mitsubishi that he is “on the move” for 2002, ending the most successful partnership in rallying history.

Makinen has driven for Mitsubishi since 1995, winning 4 World Championships and 22 major rallies. However, he has spoken publicly in recent weeks of his desire for a change and described this year as his last opportunity to do so. The options appear to be Subaru and Citroen, with the betting currently on Citroen. The French concern is contesting only half the 2002 series, but it would therefore give him some respite from the constant travelling involved in a 14-rally campaign. A frenzied round of driver transfers involving virtually all the works teams is likely to result from his decision. Makinen was unavailable for comment.

“We expected that we would have been given more time or notice. We’ll just get on with it, no problem at all,” Mitsubishi Ralliart Chairman Andrew Cowan commented.

Mitsubishi is actively seeking new drivers and may find itself seeking a new sponsor as well, if it doesn‘t find a big enough name to impress Marlboro. It is thought to be one of the manufacturers bidding for Frenchman Francois Delecour, whose reputation has been revived this year at Ford.