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EA official 1.03 patch pre-information (leaked)
This is from EA (got a friend there) so I trust it to be 100% accurate as of now.

BF2 patch 1.03

Alpha - 02 Sept
Beta - 19 Sept
Final - 23 Sept
CQC/ECG Sub - 28 Sept
Release - 03 Oct

Wake Island: In a surprise move, forces of the People's Liberation Army have attacked and captured Wake Island in a bid to threaten US lines of supply. USMC forces have been short-stopped from their deployment in Manchuria to respond to this new threat. The airbase on Wake Island is the lynchpin of the Chinese air threat, however it is highly susceptible to ground attack from either the northern

Compare Feature: By clicking the COMPARE button in BFHQ, you can search for another players name and load their current stats into BFHQ. Using the arrow buttons next to the name in the top-left corner of the menu, you can toggle between your stats and their stats. You can also load a player's stats by double-clicking on their name in any leaderboard.

Favorites/History: There is a new tab in the MULTIPLAYER menu that holds a list of the last 20 internet servers you have connected to, plus a list of servers you have selected as favorites.

BF2 Account/Clan Tag: You can add a 6-character prefix to your account nickname which will be displayed in-game next to your nametag in the scoresheet, in game messages, and above your player. This prefix does not change your account name or statistic information (e.g. the prefix does not appear next to your name on the leaderboards). You can change this prefix at any time at the account login menu.

Server Reserved Slots: Server admins can define a list of player BF2 account names which will reserve VIP slots on the server.

Engineer/Helicopter: Modified the rate at which engineer can repair a helicopter while sitting in the helicopter. It now takes longer for the engineer to repair the helicopter.

Vehicle/Control Point Capture: Only one person in a vehicle counts towards a control point capture. If passengers want to increase the rate of the flag change, they must disembark from the vehicle.

Vehicle/Soldier interaction: Improved physics of vehicles against soldiers so that soldiers are not as easily killed by moving vehicles. Bring on the wing-walkers!

Auto Balance: Auto team balance no longer moves the commander or squad leaders to the other team.

Point Farming: Limits placed on ability to point farm

Rank/Awards: Criteria for gaining ranks and awards has been changed.

Supply Drop: The commander's supply drop now has an icon on the minimap and a 3D-map icon in the world.
“It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.”