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What is BattleVoice?

Some gameserver admins know the following problem:

You are in the middle of an hot engagement and suddenly a new player connects onto the server. Because of his teamkilling and unfair behaviour you come to the idea to simply kick him. Yeahhh, that`s why you are an admin. The problem is: You need to type a command into the console. How was the syntax? Where for heavens sake is the console key?! You have to stop engaging the enemy for kicking the player. And what is worse, others will attack you while you are busy doing the the kick-crap.

That is where BattleVoice comes onto the screen:

With this simple Speech2Command tool, spoken commands will be transfered into rcon server commands and directly sended to the server. It's as simple as that. If a player starts getting onto your nerves simply hit the hotkey and yell “Kickplayer” into the microphone, wait a second and… be delighted of the disapearance of the unpolular player. This of course applies to other admin instructions as well, e.g. change map, ban player, etc…

The best thing about BattleVoice is the possible adaption of so far unsupported commands by simply editing the proper grammar XML file. Now for the details: