Ýmisslegt nýtt og já sumt lagað. Set þetta hér inn þar sem margir bf spilarar notast við teamspeak á hverjum degi. :)

Þetta Version er væntanlegt á næstu dögum.

this is just the current changelog, an release is planed for next week.
- MANTIS 0000538
- MANTIS 0000537
- MANTIS 0000508
- MANTIS 0000525
- MANTIS 0000507
- MANTIS 0000513
- MANTUS 0000519
- fixed initial tcpqueryport is allready used check , port was not binded to the correct serverip
- MANTIS 0000549
- tcpquery, added command removeclient
removes the client from the server (other clients get a playerquit message)

- tcpquery, added command globalset
hoster_gfx_url (value is NOT saved to ini file,
also only new logged in users
get the new file)
- MANTIS 0000465
- MANTIS 0000481
- MANTIS 0000482
- tcpquery, added command banlist
shows the banlist
- tcpquery, added command banadd
- tcpquery, added command banplayer
- tcpquery, added command bandel
- tcpquery, added command banclear
removes all bans
- tcpquery, added command ki (kickidlers)
1 kick unregistered clients
2 kick registered clients
4 kick only if client is on unregistered channel
8 kick only if client is on registered channel

ki 30 5 dont idle here
kicks all who idle at least 30 minutes and are unregistered and on an unregistered channel.
- ServerAdmins cant exeed flood.
- tcpquery, msg,msgall,msgu @ will prevent telnet.loginname message
- MANTIS 0000460
- MANTIS 0000462
- added SSL for webinterface and tcpquery (only for commercial and on special-request)
- its now possible to bind the server, www, tcpquery to multiple ips
(BoundToIp is replaced by BoundToIp1, BoundToIp2, BoundToIpX…)
- tcpquery, added command lc (list connections)
gives a list of all established tcpquery connections
- tcpquery, added command msgu (message user)
- MANTIS 0000454
- MANTIS 0000453
- MANTIS 0000339
- MANTIS 0000407
- MANTIS 0000413
- MANTIS 0000394<br><br>BF: Bluddy - ekkert clan sem stendur.
MohAA: =M=Equal= www.equals.is
CoD: =M=Equal=
Flest allt annað: Bluddy
BloOdDeAleR - Bluddy - GigaBytE