EA tilkynntu í gær að 1.4 patchinn væri í lokaprufum og væri væntanlegur á allra næstu dögum. Ég nennti ekki að þýða fjandans greinina enda er klukkan ekki orðin eitt á laugardegi…blame me if you will:

Ten Hut Soldiers!

Another E3 is over. And while the floor of the LA Convention Center was a battlefield of products this year, when all was said and done, and the dust cleared – Battlefield 1942 was still king of the hill when it comes to multiplayer action!

Now let's get back to business – this week we're giving you another sneak peek at the upcoming 1.4 patch. First, let's take a look at what we've already told you about the patch:
* Tank Repair exploit - tanks will no longer be able to make repairs in the airplane hanger.
* Improved voting UI - the voting interface has been improved.
* Cheats - we will be implementing features to address many of the cheats currently being seen in BF1942 games.
* Linux Server
* Two new guns – The DP 1928 - Japanese Assault rifle and the Type 99 - Russian Assault rifle.

Here are more features that you can look forward to in the 1.4 patch:
1. New and improved sounds in 1st person view, such as increased volume of impacts, louder grenade explosions and a new sound for the Axis Assault rifle STG44.
2. Scoreboard now shows current server's name, IP address and map name. Scoreboard also shows each player's ID number, which is used for creating your buddy list/voting to kick a player.
3. Rear gunner for Stuka/SBD/Ai-chi-val now has crosshair.
4. Incremental patching will be available for clients (smaller 1.31-1.4 download)
5. Added a new blood effect for additional feedback when you are hitting another soldier.
6. Much, much more.
Another feature of 1.4 that we'd like to explain is the “Content Check” option.

When content check is turned on by the server admin (default setting in the dedicated server front end), only players with completely clean BF 1942 installs will be able to play on the server. When content check is turned off by the server admin, anyone can join the server, whether they are running the merciless mod, or have have Desert Combat installed.

Currently, server admins will not be able to run content check servers that have user created maps/mods installed. If they do, clients will not be able to connect to those servers, regardless of whether or not they have the same maps/mods installed as the server.

Many of you have also expressed concerns that you won't be able to play on any official EA servers because of the content check feature. Here's some good news for you - with the 1.4 patch we are changing the configs of all of our EA servers, and we WILL be running some non content check servers. This will be evident in the server name. For example we may have “Pure Coral Sea Only” servers and “Non Pure Coral Sea Only” servers (Pure Coral Sea Only = Content Check Coral Sea Server – Non Pure Coral Sea Only = Non Content Check Coral Sea Server)

When can I download this wonderful patch? The answer is soon. We're entering our final testing phases today. Once we are confident that there are no major outstanding issues that are caused by the patch, we'll release it.

That covers this week's update - stay tuned next Friday for another Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of World War II weapon feature, and a detailed list of our new official server configs that will release with the 1.4 patch!

Now get back out there on the Battlefield soldier!

EAComMike and the rest of the Battlefield 1942 team!