
All the major clans in Iceland supports the partitipation of Iceland under any Icelandic clanleader in this game. Which means that I am not necesserily the Icelandic captein. Because of my limited time I can't spend too much amount of time in front of my CPU. If you or anyone in charge of this competition has the power to notify me of:

1. Game Time (Date and clock).
2. Game Server (Ip address and name if possible).
3. Server Password.
4. How many players.
5. Which map.

I amongst other clanleaders that have offered their assistance will see to that Iceland will always show up with a team that is ready and fully capible to kick some serious butt. Make no doubt about that.

I know u asked for a Clanbase hid but I don't really know what that is (sorry). With this information given I hope you'll sign up the Icelandic team.

Thanks a lot for your time

Elvar G
Recycle, Stay in School and Fight the Power!