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Trench Rats + BF1914
Tuesday, 01/28/03 | 17:27 PST

As PlanetBattlefield is reporting, the two mods Trench Rats and Battlefield 1914 have merged together. Both mods are based on the WW1 and have been competitors in the past. But now, they are all working on the new mod Trench Rats - The Great War.
It is a good day for the global gaming community. Battlefield 1914 and Trench Rats are merging the two World War I Modifications, in the desire to eliminate competition, and create the most robust, complete, and develop a dramatic World War I Modification to be ever released on the PC. The following countries will now be included through the entire duration of the First World War: Germany, UK, France, USA, Canada, Turkey, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Belgium. Trench Rats – The Great War will see you in the trenches.
Hier gehts zur Homepage …

Þessi Hier gehts zur Homepager er : http://www.ww1mod.tk/

Ætlaði bara að láta ykkur vita af þessu… Það voru nebbla margir að tala um hve fínt það væri að fá WW1 mod, í Vietnam umræðunum ;)<br><br>ef þú ert fastur í horni í cs og óvinir nálgast, togaðu þá í RazHowRin á þeim :)
-“What's the first thing you feel when you shoot a civilian? -Recoil”