var á gaiaonline fyrir stuttu og fann þetta spjall sem hét you know you read to much when… og það var alveg fullt af flotum atriðum sem mig langar að deila með ykkur. Ég náði 4 bls. í word á meðan ég fór yfir 5 bls. á gaia. ;)

you know you read to much when…

you realize you don't have dozens of books, or even hundreds of books, you have thousands

you have your books taken away by a parent/significant other whom then hides them from you

your books take up considerably more space than everything else you own.

when ur teacher tells you to put away your book …

when your friends ask what you're reading today…

when u get a detention for reading too much in classs

you never have any money because you buy all your books.

you don't think there's such a thing as reading too much

you look at your alarm clock and realise you stayed up the whole night reading without even realising it

You confuse real life and books.

You know the first words to random books.

The first words out of your mouth when you see someone you love is “Omg, I read the most awesome book today.”

You begin to think with that narrarators voice in your head. “She was typing, but just what should she type!? Only time would tell…”

It confuses you, sometimes even offends you, when someone says they don't like reading.

when your friends start keeping track of how many books you read in a month, and stop after 20

When you give book recommendations to random people in bookstores.

When for christmas last year you got three massive book cards, but that still wasn't enough and you spent all your christmas money on books within a week or two….so broke after

you've stopped spending money on books so you can save up for a new bookcase

When you start quoting books.

When your friends ask you what you want for Christmas and you list your favorite authors.

When you don't go to lunch at school to go sit in the library to read.

When you constantly get in trouble for reading in class. . . emo

When your parents punishment to you is to take away your books.

The librarian at your school knows your first name, and takes book suggestions from you.

when your teacher throws your book away!

When you almost get hit by a car for reading while crossing the street.

you struggle in class because all you can think about is how the characters in the book you're reading will get out of whatever conflict they're in.

you start to talk (or type) with increasingly Shakespearian grammer when you're reading a book like that.

When you over-narrate things even when trying to write the simplest thing.

You take a job in a library because you love books so much, but the thought of defiling books by putting bar code stickers on them and library stamps makes you cringe and gives you nightmares

your english teacher automatically thinks you've read a book and asks for your opinion on it

you ask the librarians when the new books are coming in because you've already gone through the library twice. Svo sagði einhver - my friend actually did this

When your dreams are in writing.

when your friend reads a few words out of a book and you can tell wht part its from and can say the rest of the sentence.

you get told that you read more then any adult you teacher has ever met.

your friends tease you because you have a different book every day

you're always reading the third in a trilogy, or last in a series

your holiday wishlist contains more than 50 books you're read recently

while surfing the net you listen to Artemis Fowl audiobooks

you read during breakfast…lunch..and dinner when you get the chance, and eating always takes about 2 hours because of it

when your literature teacher tells you to stop reading and pay attention.

when your friends stop you from falling into a construction hole while walking and reading

when you yell in class when the main character in the book is doing something stupid

when you tell your teacher to wait because you only have ten more pages to go.

when you start naming your favorite authors in a short answer portion of a test.

your whole grade notices you showed up with a different book then the day before.

everything you do or see can relate to a book in some way.

You fantasize about working in the library.

returning a book to the library is a heartbreaking moment.

You would volunteer at the library for no reason and have fun with it

Your OCD-ness over books scares even librarians

When you're known as the book girl at school by your fellow students and your teachers

When people use your book collection as a library

Your thoughts are like a story book

when your parents scream at you to stop reading!!

when you read 3 long books in a day.

when you finish more than one 375+ page book in a day because they're so good

when you memorize poems in The Lord of the Rings

When you go on vacation and take two bags–the small one for clothes, the large one full of books.

The bag of books is the first thing you pack.

You sneak at least one or two paperbacks into your clothing bag.

The top tourist attractions on your list are all book stores

when you start writing books because all the good ones have been read already

in every real life situation you can think of a book you have read that applies to it.
In fact everything you do reminds you of a book you have read.

The only thing you talk about is books that you have read.

when your mom grounds you from your books

when your jobs puts up a sign just because of you saying ‘ im paying you to work..not read’

you have trouble understanding that fictional characters are not real people

you've already /read/ all of the required books for your lit class

you have an away messege that says, “This book is more interesting then you. Leave a messege I'll get back to you when I'm done.”

your mother doesn't by you books anymore for christmas or your birthday…she can't find ones you haven't read.

when the rest of the family eats dinner in front of the TV you sit at the dinner table with a book.

when you finish a book and try reading it backwards.

you want to own a house for the sole purpose of having enough room to store your books.

you freak out when you misplace your book…and it just turns out that a parent took it

When you fantasize about having a whole section of your house be a library.

when you can quote books

when your teacher says that you're a book worm

When you start using ur dresser and closet to house books instead of shoes and clothes

When your teacher tells you to stop reading and finish your homework

When you have a habit of matching book characters and situations to real life.

When you get just over $100 dollars for your birthday, and you spend every penny of it on books.

When you own over 110 books, not counting the ones you're giving away and the ones you've lent out to people.

You've got the names for your kids all planned out, named after book characters

you put a post it on your back saying ‘go away! I’m reading!'

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