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Astral Projection(out of body experience) (27 álit)

í Dulspeki fyrir 19 árum, 4 mánuðum
Ég vill endilega koma af stað umræðu um þetta fyrirbæri Astral projection, semsagt fá reynslu sögur og svoleiðis. Ég er nýlega búinn að fá áhuga fyrir þessu og hef lent í tveimur reynslum af þessu tagi. Og langar að vita hvort að ég sé einn um þetta á landinu sem þorir að tala um þetta. Ef að það koma einhverjar sögur þá hendi ég mínum reynslum hingað inn. Þetta er bara til að gá hvort að það sé ekki örugglega áhugi fyrir þessu og að fólk hafi einhverja þekkingu á þessu, þannig að fólk haldi...

merki :) :( (_*_) (1 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 12 mánuðum
We all know those cute little computer symbols called “emoticons,” where :) means a smile and :( is a frown. Sometimes these are represented by :-) and :-( respectively. Well, how about some “ass-cons”? Here goes: (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_._) a flat ass (_^_) a bubble ass (_*_) a sore ass (_!__) a lop-sided ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass that's been around (_O_) an ass that's been around even more (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave my ass alone (_zzz_) a tired...

tveir á toppinum (0 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 12 mánuðum
Two men are on opposite sides of the Earth. One is walking a tightrope. The other is getting a blowjob by a 90 year old woman. Both get the exact same thought at the exact same time. “Don't look down.”

leikskóli (0 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 12 mánuðum
On the last day of kindergarten, all the children brought presents for their teacher. The florist's son handed the teacher a gift. She shook it, held it up and said “I bet I know what it is — it's some flowers!” “That's right!” shouted the little boy. Then the candy store owner's daughter handed the teacher a gift. She held it up, shook it and said “I bet I know what it is — it's a box of candy!” “That's right!” shouted the little girl. The next gift was from the liquor store owner's son....

rakarinn (2 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 12 mánuðum
Man enters a barber shop for a shave. While the barber is foaming him up, he mentions the problems he has getting a close shave around the cheeks. “I have just the thing,” says the barber, taking a small wooden ball from a nearby drawer. “Just place this between your cheek and gum.” The client places the ball in his mouth and the barber proceeds with the closest shave the man has ever experienced. After a few strokes, the client asks in garbled speech “And what if I swallow it?” “No...

kirkju ferð (5 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 12 mánuðum
Little Johnny was in church with him mom for Sunday Mass when he suddenly felt nauseous. “Mom, I think I'm going to throw up!” She told him, “I want you to run outside as fast as you can. Run across the lawn and go behind the bushes. You can throw up behind the bushes and nobody will see you.” So Little Johnny hauled ass for the door. Less than a minute later, he returned to his seat next to his mom. He had the look of obvious relief on his young face. “Did you make it all the way to the...
  • Síður:
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..