Broken dreams

Now is one and then it's gone
Everythings gonna be allright
Staring out that window down
No matter how I feel inside

There was that thing I wanted the most
But now it's flown so far away
She's out of reach, but still so close
In my broken dreams gone astray..

Could you tell me,
Could you tell me why?
Why you left me,
You Left me here to cry
Cause all I wanted was you
And now.. it won’t be the same

Could you tell me one thing
Could you tell me why(hy)?
Tell what I did to you
Why did I make you cry?
We don’t have a reason
That is why we lied
And now.. it won’t be the same

Dancing around, without a sound
I'm tired of this game
My hatred grows with in each step
I will never be the same..

Days go by and I'm on my own
Walking straight, without a name
I have this feeling, this one desire
.. I Hope I'll see you on the other side..

þetta var upphaflega samið sem lag.. enn það má svo sem gera þetta að ljóði líka með opnum hug og smá miskunsemi frá stjórnendum:)
0_o I love mushrooms!