they came from the darkenss
with there hoods and there knifes
the crome to my face
they stained there lives
sirens, knockig, a man with a badge
asking how this could accur
I tell the my story
but the faces are in a blur
I'm the only witness
but I'm not much help
they uphold the law
and protect my life
but what I saw
I can't really tell
cause my head is a mess
so the more I tell
they know less

at home I lay
thinking about that night
how to act, what to say
I honestly don't know
I feel so stupid
almost ignorant
it's like nothing I do matters
that I'm not important
what does it matter
what I do or say
it doesn't
my life goes on just the same

so here I am
alone and stupid
don't give a damn
not a care in the world
but thats just me
maybe I'm wrong
so don't listen to me
I'm just ranting

-The Poet
you think I'm different, when we are truly the same, I only show what others hide.