they say love is blind
get it off your mind I say
before you get addicted to the lie
only hatred and need keep people going

fuck community and fuck society
its all a lie
fuck the world,fuck this life
to hell with everything

sure hell exists
don't believe me
open your eyes
look around you

has life ever been anything but unfair to you
do bad people get what they deserve
do you get what “you” deserve
is there truly “justice for ”all“”

facts of life: 1. everyone dies
2. this life isn´t worth living
so why not just end it right now
and spare yourself from the rest of this misery

all people think about is themselves
and how to maintain their species
so they can make another little life
even more miserable than theire own

it has to end
(it has to end)

yes I have problems
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself,