Þetta er character í custom heimi. Notast er við Unicorn og Scorpion clönin úr Rokugan setting-inu, en stór hópur af þeim hvarf við ferðalag þeirra yfir hinar stóru eyðimerkur. Þessi stóri hópur enti upp í þessum heimi. Eins og er hefur verið hægt á gerð þessara heims, og fórum við bara í gegnum eitt session. Ég rakst á þennan character fyrir nokkru í safni mínu, og hef ég alltaf haft hann ofarlega í áliti mínu. Kannski er tími til kominn að fá Dminn til að halda áfram með þessi sessions. Þetta er allaveganna Human Rogue2/Unfettered1.

Bushido - Lífsreglur hins heiðarlega samurai. Talið vera hið mikilvægasta í lífi þeirra. Busido er skipt í 7 flokka: Gi (honor and Justice), Yu (heroic courage), Jin (compassion), Rei (polite courtesy), Meyo (honor), Makoto (complete sincerity) og Chugo (duty and loyalty)
Daimyo - Feudal lord
Katana - Þekktasta vopn samurai-anna. Merkir heiður þeirra, og þeirra skyldu til að gegna stríði og að berjast.
Wakizashi - Auka vopn samurai-anna. Styttra blaðið wakizashi merkir skyldu þeirra til að deyja. Er notað í heiðarlegu seppukku sjálfsmorðs athöfninni (einnig þekkt sem hari-kiri)
Kodachi - Líkt Katana, er þetta vopn smá bogið, en ekki jafn bogið og schimitar. Er á við lengd eins-handar sverðum germana (longsword í D&D) en er mjög létt, og notuð er fimi frekar en styrkleikur við höndlun vopnsins.
Shinobi – líkt orðinu “Ninja” en á frekar við um njósnara en leigumorðingja.
Dojo - eiginlegur ævingarstaður þar sem bardagamenn læra sýnar listir.

En allaveganna, þá er bara að byrja söguna um Inari:


<i>A single child will be born
The child of a thousand years
The child of ancient age
The maelstrom of bushido

The most chaotic of spirits will he be
Defiler of the code
Betrayer of the family
The Zokushi*

He will be marked, by his curse
A man with hair of white, death’s color
And with no eyes
For he cannot tell right from wrong

When he’ll sprout, nothing will stop him
He’ll slay hundreds of my children
And a hundred of their enemies
He will be the bringer of blood’s tide**

In his journey, nothing will stop him
He’ll go to death’s gate
And return reborn
More powerful than ever

This is Zokushi*
The child who knows no limits
The one that will destroy everything
And make it his own.

-so written by Uikkiu, the Serene Prophet

*(n) rebellious child, rebel, traitor
**another old prophecy that few know of</i>

This pretty much describes Inari… according to the code of Bushido, that is.

He was born a bastard, as his father was the daimyo of the village, whilst the mother was his servant. That being said, Inari was kept in the shadows, away from the noble life. He was a disgrace to his family, and didn’t even get to use its name.

He never got to enjoy real motherly love, as his real biological mother died giving birth to him, and his stepmother (the daimyo’s wife) was cruel to him, always wanting to get rid of him. He hated her from the depths of his guts.

When he was no more than seven, he was sent off to an old elder who taught him many things. He saw great potential in him, and taught him much of the dark secrets that exists in this world.

Three years into the elder’s council, the elder confronted the daimyo, pleading him to kill Inari, as he had stumbled upon hidden lore that he was the prophesized child. But at that moment, the daimyo got greedy and slew the elder, sending his assassins to kill all of his other students. He figured that if he could control this beast that he knew of as his child, he could become the most powerful of all the daimyo in the Unicorn great house.

Instead of sending him to a normal bushido following dojo, the daimyo thought that if he would be ignorant of the code, then he couldn’t break it. So he sent him off to Shinjo’s avengers, the Harrier dojo.

In the Harriers dojo, Inari was taught much about the shadow arts, and the ways of a shinobi. He was at the top of his class for the longest time, until…

…till he met his one and only love, Misako. Misako was studying with him at the Harriers dojo. She came from a poor family that had sold her so they could pay depts. She didn’t mind though, after she had met Inari.

Inari’s resolve started to drop, as he started to feel uncomfortable about his profession. By now he had murdered in cold blood dozens of people, most for reasons unkown to him. His father at this point didn’t care much about him. But he was still training. He had long since reached his gempakku, but still attended the Harrier school, still “owing it favors.”

After marrying his love, he started to seriously think of abandoning this life. His wife felt the same way, and so they started preparing it. They would leave at dawn, after Inari’s last assignment.

When they were just about to leave, four men came to his house. One claimed to have to speak to Misako, alone. Not wanting to blow his cover, Inari was escorted outside. There, the biggest of these grunts said in a firm voice: “you should've known better than try to run away from us. Your father has done everything in his power to keep you happy, and yet you…” Right then and there, before the grunt could even finish the sentence, Inari snapped and drew his two Kodachi-s. Barely a split moment had passed before Inari had felled all three of the grunts and started rushing to his house. When he entered the house he saw his wife crawling towards the door, drawing her last breaths of life.

Everything went silent, and a single whisper escaped his wife’s lips before she parted to the other realm: <i>“live your life the way you want to.”</i>

Inari stood still for a while before he came to his senses. Outside he heard that soldiers were obviously scrambling for his house, and he knew that he didn’t have long. He left his Wakizashi at the doorsteps, carefully picked up his wife’s most loved scarf, tying it around his neck. He knew that his life would never be the same again, and smiled to that warm thought. He knew that he could only try his best and life his life.

With that thought on his mind, he leaped out of the door, swords blazing, and made sure he would be remembered. For he was Inari, the maelstrom of Bushido.
<i>…I am the silence before the strike, the whispers before the howling screams…</i