The Christmas secret

It was the week before Christmas and a young butcher named Phil was walking down the sidewalk to his house. It was a lovely house, little, but lovely. He lived there with his roommates, Shamus and Andy. They were prankster, and probably the cause of every prank that has been pulled in this town for the last twenty years. They lived a horrible live. All they had was this little house. They thought nothing could get anymore worse. But then the bills came with a blue letter. It said

You are being evacuated
Please leave the house
Demolition starts tomorrow morning

Sincerely General Farnsworth

They were all shocked to hear these news. All right we have to find some way to save our poor little house or there will be no Christmas for us said Shamus. Do you have a plan asked Phil? In fact I do Shamus answered. He walked to the table and grabbed the news paper. Here an ad for housekeepers at the old mansion right outside of town he said. Then what are we waiting for let’s go shouted Andy. Then the three friends walked down the road until they were at the old mansion. It was an old house full of spiders and other creepy crawlies. They say this house is haunted said Andy lets just go back. Not on your life said Phil we need the extra money. All right let’s just go in there they all said at once. Shamus knocked. No one came. He knocked again. Still nothing he said. Then he kicked down the door. Do you think we have to pay for that said Andy?
There was still no sign of people. They went up the stairs in hope of finding somebody, but no one was there. I think there are ghosts in this house said Andy. Don’t be ridiculous said Phil. Then what do you call that screamed Andy. There before them was a ghostly figure floating in the middle of the air. They wanted to run but were paralyzed with fear. The ghost came closer and closer until it stopped right in front of them. I am the spirit of Christmas tell me your name the ghost said. This is Andy, Shamus and I am Phillip but you can call me Phil. Very well, come I’m going to tell you a story. The three friends followed the ghost but were always ready to run. Finally they entered this giant library. Sit down the ghost said. This story is about the true secret about Christmas. It all began about 700 years ago when the knights Templar were at large. These knights knew everything there was to know about Christ and all that was related to him including Christmas. Now as you might know the knights Templar were all killed on Friday the thirteenth October in 1307. But there you are mistaking my friends, one knight survived and moved to Britain. That knight also wrote a book about the truth behind Christmas. Now I think you know what I want you to do. Nope they all said. I want you to find that book and tell the world the truth about Christmas. Okay I think we can do that Phil said. Then why are you still here move it, move it. Then they rushed into action and ran to the next airport. The ghost shouted as they ran, the first clue is in the church of the knights Templar in London. London it is guys Shamus said. Let’s solve this mystery and save our house in the process. Then they took a plane to London were the first clue was suppose to be. A church for knights were could we find one of those said Andy. Right in front of us you idiot said Shamus and whacked him in the head. What are we waiting for let’s go. They opened the door of the church in the middle were several graves. Now what said Phil. Hey what’s that in you pocket Phil asked Shamus? I don’t know answered Phil. He opened the letter and it said

In the grave farthest to the right in the upper corner
in it you shall find
The clue you seek

Yours truly the ghost from the mansion.
They opened the grave and looked under the body there were words

He who reads this shall be one step closer
To finding the long lost book of Christmas
Here is your next clue.

In France you can’t find it
In England you can
The royal crown was
The crown worn by me

Wrote by Seamus Sinclair

So we have to rob the royal crown asked Shamus? No, we can just get it find the clue and then return it said Phil. All right we’ll do it tonight. That night inside Buckingham Palace. Okay guys there’s the crown let’s just get it and run. Then Andy grabbed the crown and they ran as fast as they could. Shamus then threw the crown down on the floor. Then Phil noticed that a letter had fall down from the crown. He read it, it said.

Just one more clue and you’re there
I am in London and I am a knight
I was killed on Friday
So find me now here’s the clue

Left, up, left, up, right, down

That’s just whack said Shamus. Don’t you get it Phil asked?
No answered Shamus. He’s a knight, he’s in London, and he was killed on Friday. Nope I don’t get it he answered. He’s a knight He is in the church of the knights Templar. Let’s go said Andy. Then they arrived at the church of the knights Templar. Let’s start in the middle all right. Left, up, left, up, right, down. Here it is Seamus Sinclair here lays the truth about Christmas. They opened the grave carefully. But there was nothing there not even a body. But on the walls there a story was written.

Dear Adventurer I’m sorry there is nothing for you to find
But I sold the book to a man named Saint Nick I think, he used the book well
and told everyone the secret about Christmas.
I’m sorry
I hope this gold under the cinderblock
in the middle of the grave is enough.

Yours truly Seamus Sinclair

They took the block and under it were probably a few hundred gold coins. Well we can at least save our house with this money. And just in time for Christmas too.
What about the ghost? Well we can say he’s still telling stories.And a merry Christmas to all
The End