Did you know, you’re the one I love,
and I hope that you love me.
For my love, it comes from above,
on that we can both agree.
I love you so much my dear.

Where are your feelings? Where do they belong?
Do they lie towards me? As they ones did before?
Oh, I do hope they do, for they were so strong,
You´ll find it in your heart, a heart which I adore.
For my feelings are still within here.

As I stand here before you, naked and cold.
You should see through me, my body and soul.
Can you see my heart and what it can hold?
It’s missing you, therefore it has a hole.
I would cry for you my last tear.

Ég samdi þetta ljóð fyrir löngu fyrir fyrrverandi kærustu mína þegar við áttum í vandræði með sambandið okkar…