“you’re fucking yourself sideways if you do not make efforts to hear PAIN OF SALVATION” - skemmtilega til orða tekið :)

Þetta er tekið úr inngangi viðtals við Pain of Salvation sem er að finna í nýjasta tölublaði bandaríska tímaritsins Lamentation of the Flame Princess.

Hér er inngangurinn í heild sinni:


from Issue #7 by Jim Raggi

PAIN OF SALVATION is a band you need to hear, in complete album form. It’s entirely possible you won’t like them, and that’s your right and privilege. But if you’ve read far enough into this massive volume of words about music, I think I can assume you’re enthusiastic enough about music to be serious about it. And if you’re serious about music, you’re fucking yourself sideways if you do not make efforts to hear PAIN OF SALVATION. Finding a band that takes their own work seriously as art, craft, and emotional release is quite rare, and finding a band that carries it off as well as PAIN OF SALVATION is near impossible. Progressive rock and metal in the true sense of the word ‘progressive’, meaning creative and artistic arrangements, combinations of influences not normally ‘allowed’, and an individual spirit which makes them unique, the band has made a monumental album in the form of The Perfect Element. I had the great privilege to speak with band leader Daniel Gildenlow for awhile in December, and again in February, and here I present our conversation to you. This interview fascinated me because this band uses metal as part of its framework, but is not part of the metal scene, and Daniel is not a metalhead, so his viewpoints brought out here are completely original in the metal scene. Just like his band.

Allt viðtalið má skoða á heimasíðu tímaritsins, http://www.lotfp.cjb.net/
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