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shelob Notandi frá fornöld 36 ára karlmaður
636 stig
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand, like a lizard on a windowpane

Re: vill jona klani

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
YOU, SIR, ARE A NEWBIE! ;)<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Re: Einn stór skrípaleikur hjá Usa

í Deiglan fyrir 22 árum
SAMMÁlA! Afhverju virðist enginn svara svona góðum korkum? Þetta er bara allt satt og rétt, Ísraelar eru með samning um að kaupa aðeins bandarísk vopn sem að er í fullum gangi þótt Bush láti sem að hann sé friðarengill.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid...

Re: Hrollur

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
Ég hef mjög slæma reynslu af Hrolli. Þegar ég kom inn á serverinn var ég skotinn af liðsfélögum með AWP og USP og var hálfdauður og þá varð ég dálítið pirraður á þessum sem að skutu mig svo að ég skaut EINU Deagle skoti í fótinn á öðrum þessara spilara og mér var kickað! Skaut ég á almáttugan admin?<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the...

Re: DoD 2.1 Breytingar OFFICIAL!

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
Dog1 var með yfir 5 megabæti fyrir textures sem er fyrri utan þau mörk sem að DoD liðið hafði sett. Þegar liðið bað mapperinn um að breyta þessu svaraði hann með kurteislegu “fu*k you.” Hann á þetta alveg skilið í mínu áliti, þrátt fyrir að Dog1 líti miklu betur út heldur en Overlord.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of...

Re: hvað þarf eiginlega að gera til að fá bann?

í Tilveran fyrir 22 árum
Segi það nú! Þetta er bara ekki fyndið. Hvað er að ykkur stjórnendur huga? PEACE4ALL ER RASISTI! ALLIR GETA SÉÐ ÞAÐ SVO AF HVERJU BANNIÐ ÞIÐ HANN EKKI??? SKRIF HANS ERU EKKI FYNDIN!<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago....

Re: Getur ekkur hjálpað DreiNg?

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
Hjálparkorkur!<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Re: DOD 2.1

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
DoD 2.1b var FRESTAÐ um nokkra daga. Farðu á og fylgstu þar með.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales...

Re: Svindl í counter-strike

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum Hér eru svindl.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings:...

Re: DoD Beta 2.1 á morgun!

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum Þarna er útgáfan sem er út núna ef að þú varst að leita að henni (2.0b)<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of...

Re: DoD Beta 2.1 á morgun!

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
Well, DUH!!! Lestu póstana fyrir ofan!<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings:...

Re: Skrifið ritstjóra að banna peace4all

í Tilveran fyrir 22 árum
Hvað með vin hans peace2all? Mér fannst hann alveg jafn móðgandi.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come.” JRR...

Re: DoD Beta 2.1 á morgun!

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
Já, þessu verður frestað út af vandamálum sem að Half-Life patchinn skapaði. Þetta var of gott til að vera satt…<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for...

Re: DoD Beta 2.1 á morgun!

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum Kann ekki að gera link :(<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years...

Re: CS 1.4 og Half-Life kl. 11 Pacific Time!

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Fjandinn maður ég var að vona að maður fengi að spila í dag. Er einhver viss um muninn?<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales...

Re: Varðandi 1.4.

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
1.4 Kemur kl. 11 að Bandarískum tíma. Tékkið á því á<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come.” JRR...

Re: Stökk tekin burt í CS 1.4

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Takk fyrir linkinn Toturus. Ég verð að prófa þetta.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of...

Re: Stökk tekin burt í CS 1.4

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Flott. Ég var að vona að þeir mundu ekki hafa það þannig að þú fyrftir að hvíla þig eftir hvert stökk og fara að herma eftir DoD. Ef að þetta er sett svona fram þá finnst mér bara gott að hafa þetta, “bunnyjumpið” er fremur pirrandi. Kannski fer ég að spila CS aftur :)<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath,...

Re: CS 1.4

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði CS er ekki lengur í beta útgáfu. Hann hætti að vera í betu þegar Valve keypti CS liðið og CS Retail útgáfan var gefin út. Í linknum fyrir ofan stendur það svart á hvítu að CS 1.4 og Half-Life kemur út í næstu viku.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in...

Re: All seeing eye?

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Þetta skiptir engu máli. Það breytir engu um hraðann eða neitt þannig í ASE. Þetta kemur ekki ef að þú kaupir það, þá fer það aðeins hraðar, munar bara um sekúntubrot. Vandaðu stafsetninguna.<br><br>“There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight...

Re: jedi knight II : Jedi outcast

í Sci-Fi fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Ha??? Hann er ekki kominn út á Íslandi, hvernig gastu spilað hann? Fékkstu eintak frá útlöndum? Mig langar svo mikið í þennan leik…

Re: GF4 og CS

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Ég mæli með að kaupa ekki þessi rusl GeForce 4 kort. Fáið ykkur Radeon 8500, miklu ódýrara og aðeins hægara, munar nær engu.

Re: GF4 og CS

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Já, GeForce 4 Ti kortin eru mörgum sinnum öflugri en GeForce 4 MX. Það síðarnefnda er aðeins hraðara en GeForce 2 MX… algert rip-off.

Re: Day of Defeat 2.1

í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
bbf3: Ég er ekki viss um að aðrar MG en MG42 verði ónákvæmari en það ætti samt að vera þannig, ég meina, MG eru nákvæmari en sniperar núna og það þarf að verða lagað. W4rl0cK
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..