Gleymt lykilorð


7.750 eru með Metall sem áhugamál
58.500 stig
1.204 greinar
8.397 þræðir
88 tilkynningar
5 pistlar
3.885 myndir
884 kannanir
238.126 álit


thorok thorok 2.902 stig
dordingull dordingull 2.132 stig
aceshigh aceshigh 720 stig
hamrotten hamrotten 588 stig
JohnnyB JohnnyB 558 stig
Naridill Naridill 524 stig
olig olig 518 stig


Álit Höfundur Sent inn Síðasta álit
11 September! 6 [Notanda eytt] 12. sep 2005 17:32 12. sep 2005 21:28
Mötley Crue 12 powerslave 12. sep 2005 15:47 13. sep 2005 00:43
Nightwish 9 cajak 12. sep 2005 14:00 13. sep 2005 23:03
Thrash metal 35 Pythagoras 12. sep 2005 09:43 18. sep 2005 16:16
Opeth 12 Ljomalindin 11. sep 2005 19:44 19. sep 2005 21:39
Kittie 16 [Notanda eytt] 11. sep 2005 00:27 13. sep 2005 08:47
Phil Anselmo 6.sept '05 15 JasonNewsted 9. sep 2005 16:54 11. sep 2005 14:22
Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain 3 Sidious 9. sep 2005 00:25 10. sep 2005 00:16
GOTHIC SCREAMING 33 [Notanda eytt] 8. sep 2005 20:10 14. sep 2005 16:45
Paths of Possession 4 Namingway 8. sep 2005 18:14 8. sep 2005 21:31
Opeth - Ghost Reveries 5 [Notanda eytt] 8. sep 2005 13:11 9. sep 2005 10:29
Opeth spurning 7 olig 7. sep 2005 22:53 11. sep 2005 02:57
haha önnur vs:P 1 maggi 7. sep 2005 18:15 7. sep 2005 20:38
H.I.M 28 thunderstorm 6. sep 2005 22:14 11. sep 2005 00:38
The reason why Metallica was always better than Megadeth 186 JasonNewsted 6. sep 2005 21:52 13. sep 2005 18:47
Sharon 8 Keli666 6. sep 2005 21:19 9. sep 2005 00:06
Exodus vs Testament 10 [Notanda eytt] 6. sep 2005 18:43 7. sep 2005 22:06
fleiri vs. 18 aceshigh 5. sep 2005 10:13 8. sep 2005 00:56
Nola eða Down II? 11 JohnnyB 5. sep 2005 08:52 6. sep 2005 12:53
Vs. Trend? 3 miltisbrandur 4. sep 2005 16:32 4. sep 2005 23:57
vs? 30 rapperson 4. sep 2005 00:32 10. sep 2005 13:13
hvaða hljómsveitir 17 atliryryr 3. sep 2005 15:02 7. sep 2005 16:22
Metall 36 killy 3. sep 2005 12:17 12. sep 2005 09:40
hljómsveitir 13 99bjarnit 3. sep 2005 10:38 4. sep 2005 06:35
Klassískur Þungmálmur? 3 [Notanda eytt] 2. sep 2005 18:01 2. sep 2005 18:13
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..