Nú eru hinir stórgóðu Children of Bodom búnir að semja allt efni fyrir komandi plötu. Þó er nokkur bið í dótið því það á eftir að taka það upp.. Hér eru skilaboð frá Henkka T. Blacksmith bassaleikara hljómsveitarinnar:

“We have now all the stuff ready. We've been sitting at the rehearsal place a lot, and we are very happy about all the songs. In a week we will pack our stuff and move to the studio outside of Helsinki. Then it should be six weeks and all the stuff should be recorded. Mikko Karmila will be the guy again who says when we play bad or if something sounds not good. And he will also press the rec button.

Later on we will have a special guest from Sweden, when Peter Tägtgren will show up for a while. When we did Follow The Reaper, Peter's effort on the vocals and keyboards was so good, that we wanted to have him with us once again. Let's see how it works out this time, I'm sure it's great!

What else… When everything is recorded we will mix the thing and master it the same way we have always done. In the studio we should figure out some cover songs, but it shouldn't be a problem, we have a couple things already decided…

So, we will also deliver some footage from the studio then, and soon COBTV part 2 is online too!

That's all for now, keep checkin COBHC.com,
and see you later,

Henkka” (tekið af www.cobhc.com)

Þeir verða að koma til landsins maður!