Svar við því hvað virkar best Mig langaði til að koma þessu á framfæri en þetta er svarið sem ég fékk frá Gary Daniels, þegar ég spurði hann að því hvað hann teldi virka best. Gary Daniels var national kickboxing champion áður en hann fór í kvikmyndabransann og gerði m.a. jafntefli við heimsmeistarann í -90 kg flokki en hér kemur svarið:

“I do not believe there is one perfect martial art but to be efficient you need to study different systems that make you an all round fighter. You need to be able to punch, kick, knee, elbow and grapple as well as being able to move through these different ranges effectively. I believe in cross training, using weights, running, hitting bags and pads whatever you can to build up strength , speed and endurance. My own schedule includes all these things although i have no set routine, it is constantly changing.”

Gary D

Einnig vil ég koma á framfæri því sem hann sagði mér um lyftingar:

“I never lift heavy weight so i can not tell you what i could lift at 1 rep. I always go with a weight that i can do 4 sets of 8 - 12 reps with. I am more interested in definition and endurance than size. There is not set amount you should be able to lift, just keep pushing yourself day to day, week to week and you will find yourself getting stronger and lifting more as time goes by. I reccomend that you make stretching as important in your workouts as the lifting so you have less chance of tearing your ! muscles and being out through injury. Weight training will make your muscles grow but will also tighten them up. Good luck with everything.”

Gary D

Bottom line: Ég bjó til þessa grein aðallega fyrir þá sem vilja nota þessar upplýsingar sér til gagns og fyrir þá sem finnst þetta vera áhugavert, þeir sem vilja ekki nýta sér þetta á nokkurn hátt eða eru á móti þessum upplýsingum geta vinsamlegast sleppt því að nota þær og farið án þess að “commenta” eitthvað slæmt.

P.S. Gary Daniels leikur meðal annars í City Hunter með Jackie Chan.