bit90 computer er leikjatölva sem framleidd var á 9. áratugnum. Safngripur.
Tölvunni fylgja snúrur, bæklingur (manual), minniskort og 10 leikir: Space Panic, Mr. Do, Venture, Donkey Kong, Rocky, Looping, Lady Bug, Gorf, Space Fury og Smurf.

Tilboð óskast.

Nánari upplýsingar hér:

“Bit 90 was actually a Sega SG 3000 clone, but could easily run ColecoVision games. With the adaptor on the back could Bit 90 also phase out the Atari 2600 games. Technically, it was Bit 90 equal to ColecoVision and very close to the real MSX 1 standard.”