Stórleikurinn MEtal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of liberty mun koma á settum útgáfudegi=)

Metal Gear Solid 2 Still On Track
News Story : Konami has confirmed that PS2's biggest game is coming in November, albeit with minor changes.

In a press release issued early on September 19 Japan time, Konami Co. Ltd. clarified the company's plans regarding the release of Metal Gear Solid 2 in the United States in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. According to the release, the game is still on track to ship in the states in November, albeit with very minor modifications to certain scenes which featured the World Trade Center.

“Because the main theme of this game is the pursuit of peace, the scenario will remain essentially as it is,” said Konami's representatives. The statement also confirmed that the game's Japanese release date remains unchanged.

þeir halda áfram með hann bara útaf því að það er barist um frið í leiknumm

en samt syrgi ég alla þá sem létust í WTC og Pentagon

Kv: Djamme
Beer, I Love You.