Way to murder the franchise there, Marcus Nispel.

Marcus Nispel is a man who thinks he understands horror movies, but he doesn't.

First he ruined the Texas Chain Saw Massacre franchise (which was already in shambles) by making it more about death and Leatherface badassary then a documented look at something that might happen.

I love Friday the 13th. A movie about a group of friends who have fun during a summer job and later get stalked by a killer which they are not aware of, a movie filled with suspense, and breathtaking death scenes, where you you either root for a character you hate to have a
terrible fate, and you wish that the likable characters survive the onslaught.

What did I get? When I went to see the remake? Kids, with the same 70's haircut, talking about GPS and Cannabis. Then a lot of close-ups and the same cliché of them thinking that something is going to happen, then it doesn't happen.. AND THEN IT DOES! LOUD NOISES! And then bad CGi close-up wounds of Jason Voorhees being Rambo, with bell in the
ground and bear traps and beyond good marksmanship shooting a moving target.

Seriously… I watched a drowning Carrie ripp-off blossom into a Michael Myers wannabee, get his own identity, die, come back as Frankenstein, go to Hell, Manhattan, Space and Elm Street, but it was all done with love for the character. They knew the formula, they knew Jason.

This was not a Friday the 13th film. Hatchet is a better remake of Friday the 13th then this garbage.

There was no redeeming factor in this film. The fact that it has a higher rating then the original Sean S. Cunningham cult classic on IMDb, makes me want to puke.

If you liked this film, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

And If I ever meet Marcus Nispel in person, I'm going to give him a shot in the balls.