The next day, the archdeacon, of course, still needed a bellringer, ‘cause of the untimely demise of his last one. He barely had to look, however, because a man came to the door. This man said to him, “I’m the brother of the armless man who fell off your cathedral. He was really excited about doing this job, so I'd like to do the job in his place.” The archdeacon brought him up to the tower and watched him ring the bell (this guy had arms), then happily gave him the job. The man ran toward the biggest bell to ring it, but miscalculated and ran right off the tower! (They should put up guardrails or something…) Anyway, the archdeacon ran down as fast as he could, and like yesterday, was asked if he knew who he was. The archdeacon replied, “I don't know his name, but…

…he's a dead ringer for his brother!”