Okay, there was a time once in old Paris when Quasimodo eventually died. Well, you know he had to go sometime. However, the archdeacon needed a new bellringer, so he put up ads and posters…“Bellringer needed for Notre Dame!” One day a man showed up and applied for the job. There was one thing, though…he had no arms. “How on Earth will you ring the bells with no arms?” The archdeacon asked. “Let's go up and I'll show you,” He responded.
So they went all the way up to the tower, and the man says, “Watch this.” He then runs right up to one of the bells and hits it with his face! The bell chimes beautifully. The archdeacon is impressed and says, “Congratulations, you've got the job!” The man was really happy, got too excited and fell right off the tower!
The archdeacon runs all the way down the stairs, but by the time he gets to the bottom the man has landed and there's a crowd gathered around his body. One of the onlookers says to the archdeacon, “You were up there with him. Do you know who he was?”
The archdeacon replies, “I never learned his name, but…

…his face rings a bell!” :D