Hafiði verið að lenda í vandræðum með sensitivity? þ.e.a.s ekki náð því niður nógu mikið? Ég hef verið að lenda í því að geta ekki verið með nógu lágt sens í CS eins og ég vildi hafa og búinn að vera berja hausnum í vegginn lengi útaf þessu (engar áhyggjur, hann er tómur) þangað til ég rakst á þessa umræðu á netinu. http://www.everythingusb.com/hardware/index/Logitech_MX500_Optical_Mouse_user_reviews.htm
þar segir einn snillingurinn um músina:

I have the mx500 and have done an extreme amount of testing. My main game is quake3 and the mouse has a great feel. What is right and wrong with the mouse is what follows. The mouse action as far as read accuracy is great as long as you do not i repeat do not use the logitech drivers. I use a ver low sensitivity of 2 to 4 when playing quake3. With out the drivers i can not get it to make any read errors but i do not get to use the buttons. With the drivers installed the mouse read times drop. It will read a flick of the hand accurately for only about inches on the mouse pad with either the 9.73 or the 9.75 drivers. With out the drivers i can flick the mouse all the way across my 20x20 mouse pad with no error in the read. Most of you are prolly not recognising the read errors because they do not result in the erratic movement of older logitech mice when they cant keep up with the movement. What happens is the turn rate in the game or cursor movement if you will actually slows down instead of speeds up. I have tested this on several different services and both on win2k and on winxp with the exact same results between os's. Other than the read errors the mouse is great. Logitech has very poor drivers. So the moral of the story is if you wann use a real low sensitvity and want to use the thumb buttons this is not the mouse for you. But if you use a quake 3 sesn of say 6 or higher then you will love the mouse. I cant speak for other games as quake3 is my main focus in gaming.
I would wait til you read about driver issues being fixed before purchasing. If you cant wait the intelli mouse explorer 3.0 has no problems with read errors but is not as comfortable to hold as the mx500

Það sem hann er að segja hérna er að ef þú notar driverana frá logitech fer sensið í drasl en þú getir notað þumal takkana, en ef þú sleppir því er sensið í lagi en þú getur ekki notað þumal takkana, mér skilst að logitech driverarnir séu djunk. Ef einhver hefur fundið leyni við þessu þá er ég meira en tilbúinn að taka við þeim upplýsingum.<br><br>[.IFF.]CoRReCtoR A.K.A Vladimir A.K.A Róbert @ www.clanIFF.tk