Jæja þá er loksins nýja uppfærlan komin :)

Hægt er að nálgast í uppfærsluna <A href="http://www.hugi.is/files/games/hl/11011104.exe“>hér</A>

Og svo stóra ”full install“ pakkann <A href=”http://www.hugi.is/files/games/hl/hl1104.exe">hérna</A>

Helstu breytingar:

- Hægt að downloada öllu tengdum borðum frá server.
- Búið að laga Counter-Strike proxy svindl
- Búið að laga Linux security mál
- Skaði á flamethrower hjá Pyro í TFC var aukinn
- Skaði á Chaingun hjá HW í TFC minnkaður

- Fleiri breytingar og fix (sjá readme í installi)

Einnig eru 3 ný borð í TFC með 3 nýjum gameplay týpum: .. sorry en ég nenti ekki að þýða þetta :)

Avanti challenges the offensive team to advance their flag to three successive capture points and conclude their run in the village cathedral, while the defense attempts to stall their efforts until time runs off the clock. The scenario takes place on the streets of an Italian village, with a wide variety of open spaces combined with tight corners and sniping positions.

Flag Run
Flag Run requires cooperative teamplay as some units attempt to retrieve their flags from the enemy's base while other units ward off the opposing team's attempts to the same. The scenario includes large, wide-open spaces in the center of the map with intricate base structures on either end.

Like Flag Run, Casbah challenges the opposing teams to guard and defend captured flags as they fight to retrieve their flags from enemy territory. Designed by Dave Johnston (cs_cbble, de_dust), Casbah promotes extremely fast-paced battles that can realize sharp momentum changes in no time at all.