Eminem verður bara fyndnari og fyndnari með skiptunum sem ég hlusta á hann! Svo fucking dýrk ég Bizarre! Hvað finnst ykkur um þá kumpána í D12?

Já og komið með eftirminnilegar línur frá þeim svona til að skapa umræðu(það var aðalega pointið með þræðingum:P). ;)

Ég er allavega að digga versið hans Bizarre í My Band

“Goddammit I'm sick of this group
Time for me to go solo and make some loot
I told you I made the beats and wrote all the raps
Till Kon Artist slipped me some crack
Lose Yourself video I was in the back
Superman video I was in the back
Fuck the media, I got some suggestions
Fuck Marshall, ask us the questions
Like who's D12, how we get started
(But what about Eminem?)
Bitch are you retarded?
Anyway I'm the popularest guy in the group
Big ass stomach, bitches think I'm cute (hey sexy)
50 told me to do situps to get buff
I did two and a half and then I couldn't get up
Fuck D12, I'm outta this band
I'm gonna start a group with the real Roxanne”

og líka Just like U

“I fuck two twins, with a midget on top.
A sick mind, raping an old lady.
Knowing damn well Bizarre shouldn't have a baby,
All I can teach you, learn how to mac.
Smoke crack, smack a bitch when she talk back.
Matta fact slap your sister, she's a slut.
Don't you realize Bizarre don't give a fuck? (Hahaha)”

svo eru þessi Bizarre skit bara fyndin! :D
“My girlfriends in the olympics, she'll be running track meets
Im lieying, shes a paraplegic, she eats wit her feet'

(bandið eitthvað að hlægja)

The Fuck' you laughin at?
She'll be here next week.
In a black jeep, wit 2 other Handicap Freaks.”

En allavega komið gott hjá mér, komið þig með eitthvað. :)