Launaumræðan Ég var að lesa skemmtilega grein á netinu sem kemur aðeins inn í þessa launaumræðu sem við erum búin að standa í hérna upp á síðkastið.

Skemmtilegar pælingar sem þeir setja fram varðandi munin á staðar- (e.regional) og stóru(e.major) flugfélögunum.
En takið samt eftir laununum, sérstaklega efri mörkunum.

Takið líka eftir því að flugvirkinn skiptir meira máli heldur en flugmaðurinn í að halda okkur öruggum.
Ég veit ekki með ykkur en ég væri ekkert alltof sáttur við að hafa flugvirkja undir stýri á flugvél þegar allt fer til fjandans. ;)

9) Pilots for major airlines

While American and United pilots recently took pay cuts, senior captains earn as much as $250,000 a year at Delta, and their counterparts at other major airlines still earn about $150,000 to $215,000 - several times pilot pay at regional carriers - for a job that technology has made almost fully automated.

By comparison, senior pilots make up to 40 percent less at low-fare carriers like Jet Blue and Southwest, though some enjoy favorable perks like stock options. That helps explain why their employers are profitable while several of the majors are still teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

The pilot's unions are the most powerful in the industry. They demand premium pay as if still in the glory days of long-gone Pan Am and TWA, rather than the cutthroat, deregulated market of under-$200 coast-to-coast roundtrips. Because we entrust our lives to them, consumers accept the excessive sums paid them, when it's airplane mechanics who really hold our fate in their hands.
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