Svo virðist sem Square-Enix hafi loksins gefið út fleiri upplýsingar um leikinn Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. En fyrir þá sem ekki vita þá snýst leikurinn um allt sem gerðist 6-7 árum fyrir Final Fantasy VII.
Gætu ekki verið alveg rosalegar upplýsingar en það þarf nú verulega að fríska upp á þetta áhugamál.

Nú jæja, leikurinn kemur til Japan 2. ágúst 2007 og því má búast við honum á ensku snemma á árinu 2008.

Svo eru fleiri upplýsingar um bardagakerfið. Það er víst nokkuð svipað hefðbundnum FF leikjum með aðeins fleiri nýjungum. Bardagakerfið heitir Digital Mind Wave og snýst um ýmsa “reels” sem þarf að snúa og…Æjj ég copya bara textann úr ensku :)

Crisis Core has action and menu-based elements. The new battle system is known as Digital Mind Wave, or DMW, and revolves around a series of reels at the upper left corner of the of the screen which spin continuously as long as there is SP left to consume. Each rotate independently and upon lining up the three reels of the same character and value, a power-up or a “Power Surge!” will be rewarded to Zack.

The player will have full control over Zack when moving around, and can rotate the camera with the left and right triggers. Every now and then, a random encounter battle will occur. The battle takes place on the same screen as regular movement, with no transition or loading.

Battles consist of multiple enemies on screen at once. To attack enemies, the command bar must be set to attack. Spells like Fire, Blizzard, Cure and their higher level counterparts are also located on the command bar and used in the same fashion as previous titles in the series, although they deplete magic points with each use. The game automatically targets the closest enemy, and changes the target automatically as you move around. A quick roll maneuver and triangle to block incoming attacks can also be performed.
Hér eru myndir af bardagakerfinu.